Founder & Cannabinoid Specialist
I was a Certified Internal Medicine & Pediatric physician with over 20 years of experience in providing allopathic medical care to acutely hospitalized patients. I recently retired my license to go more deeply into Cannabis Research, Education, Advocacy and to be available to clients seeking highly specialized knowledge on Cannabinoid compounds and their physiologic and health benefits. I've been a Cannabis scientific specialist since 2008 and am devoted to using Cannabis (aka. "Marijuana") compounds, other natural botanical compounds and integrative approaches to help patients find true wellbeing in Body, Mind, and Spirit.
I previously practiced in the capacity as an inpatient medicine specialist, caring for severely ill patients in the ER, hospital wards, ICU, and rehabilitation settings. While practicing conventional medicine was both rewarding intellectually and personally, I became disappointed in the lack of mindfulness and acceptance of more preventative and natural approaches to healing and maintaining optimal health.
I discovered Cannabis medicine in 2005 after a direct experience observing a patient with late stage pancreatic cancer who had incredible success with the use of cannabis for his condition. Not only did it address his pain, poor appetite, nausea and other disease and pharmaceutical-driven side-effects, but I witnessed the patient go into complete remission of cancer within a year of using just cannabis compounds. Since then, I've worked with over 5,000 clients who have been using Cannabinoid compounds which have shown remarkable results across a wide range of conditions such as Cancer, Pain, Insomnia, Anxiety/Depression, ADD, Alzheimers and many others. I've monitored and tracked the detailed cannabinoid profiles clients have been using for their conditions and have undeniable evidence of the following; a) most common conditions can be managed very effectively with cannabinoids and other botanical compounds and b) cannabinoids are much safer and can enhance health when used in a scientific approach c) the use of "recreational marijuana" and products from marijuana dispensaries are not the best way to use Cannabinoids because those products are not created with true "medicinal" quality or with any underlying scientific/medical expertise. Therefore understanding what makes a group of Cannabinoids and botanical compounds "medicinal" in their effects are crucial to finding the right products and understanding their use.
I founded Green Earth Medicine clinic in 2010 to bring my experience and knowledge in the field of cannabinoid science to support the public with their healthcare decisions around medicinal cannabis, to fight for recognition of cannabinoid compounds as legitimate and safe medicines with positive world-changing potential, and to finally expunge the 100 year old dishonest campaign that has been waged against this highly effective group of medicinal compounds.
I provide highly experienced consultations and educational guidance to any client seeking deep level and direct experiential knowledge with how to use cannabinoids for maximal health benefits.
*Not currently in licensed practice in Oregon.